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The Last 24 Months Have…

I’ve been doing some reflection lately…yes, reflecting on the last 24 months. You know…since the beginning of…COVID-19.

And while I know so many of us are sick of talking about COVID – I still think it’s something we need to reflect on – especially as we process the whole range of emotions and changes that it has brought about.

It’s these emotions and changes that I want to talk about today. Because I’ve been having lots of discussions with women about how the last 24 months have affected them – and the responses have been varied, yet there’s one word that keeps coming up. (And we’ll get to that in a bit…)

So let’s talk about the last 24 months, and let me share some of the responses I’ve heard!

The last 24 months have been eye-opening.

It doesn’t matter whether it’s been at work or at home – or wherever – but lots of you have told me that COVID has been an eye-opening experience for you. And I get it. Whether it be thinking about how you were going to have a Zoom meeting while helping your kids with online school or needing to quit your job because what you had going on at home needed to be the priority, or finding additional responsibilities given to you at work due to the “Great Resignation” – eye-opening is probably an understatement.

The last 24 months have brought new opportunities.

Some of you have shared that COVID brought with it new opportunities. Maybe you had the chance to talk with your boss about a promotion because you’ve been kicking butt with all that’s been thrown at you. Perhaps you took the time to start a new business or build the business you have. Whatever the case may be, being able to see that COVID brought you new opportunities is a plus.

The last 24 months have blurred home life and work life (even more).

This has been a big one – especially for women – who often saw this blurred even before COVID. You may have found yourself working from home and, in the beginning, you might have had kids doing school from home – and WOW – did that make things challenging. But, most of you found that you were able to put systems and processes in place – and you were able to make it ALL work! Give yourself a big round of applause! You should be so proud of yourself!

The last 24 months have been life-changing.

There’s probably not a person among us who would say that COVID hasn’t been life-changing. Whether you took the time to reassess your health and well-being, your career, your family life, or your social circle – COVID definitely has changed us. 

The last 24 months have been humbling.

For some, the last 24 months have been humbling. Perhaps you thought you could do it all – you know…that infamous Super Hero Syndrome! That need to be Wonder Woman! And you found out that you couldn’t. You found that you need help and support. And that can be a humbling experience for sure! But, if you’ve grown from it – it can also be worthwhile. 

The last 24 months have been disruptive.

Lots of you said that COVID has been a huge disruptor. 100% yes! You might have been chugging along just fine – and then March 2020 struck, and WHOA! Did things change – and change quickly! COVID may have disrupted your family, your job, your health…and things may never go back to the way they were. And some of you are mourning that loss of what life was like before COVID. I hear you…loud and clear.

Finally, nearly all of you told me that…

The last 24 months have been exhausting.

This is an understatement. No matter how you’ve handled life since March 2020 – we’re tired. We’re tired as parents. We’re tired as women. We’re tired as leaders.

And it’s on that note that I’m going to end part 1 in this series. Because in the next blog, I want to talk more about being tired as leaders – and yes, you are a leader! Don’t ever doubt that.

P.S. If you’d like, leave a comment and share how you’d complete this phrase: The last 24 months have… I’d love to hear your answer!

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