Different stages of life bring different things you can’t live without. There is not a stage in my life that my family won’t be my favorite. Maybe when there are Dorito packages, makeup or clean clothes that are never put away, I wanted to make sure you all knew that!

So lets get real, at the top of my favorite things that I can’t live without is my dog! Yep, Miya a 10+ pound (10 is her goal weight:) Yorkiepoo with a big round belly and still poops in my house! Technically, she was bought for my daughter. Reality soon set in that she wanted to be my dog and maybe I wanted her to be my 3rd baby as my kids were growing up! Yes, I am that mom that missed the snuggles from her kids and the excitement they used to have when I walked in the door so Miya the fur baby has filled that gap. Honestly, I think she is therapy dog. She loves to torment her older sister, she climbs on our sofa table and tells us when it is time to eat. Her bedtime routine is getting a cookie and a bone to take to bed with her so she can protect it. She won’t settle into bed or your lap unless she has a cookie and a bone to protect. But I love her!

Comfort- Yoga Pants & My Blanket
Continuing with my comfort, my blanket and yoga pants. My blanket goes everywhere with me, even on the airplane. When you are freezing on the plane, after you judged me for bringing my blanket, you will have regrets. Yoga pants need I say more? Once I walked outside of my house in jeans and the neighbor commented “ Wow you look so nice” I was surprised at the comment and they followed up with “we thought you only wore yoga pants” For my friends, that think it’s not cool to wear yoga pants out of the house, sorry. I go everywhere in mine, just keep your ass covered! Judgers and haters I don’t care and talk to my hand. I love my yoga pants maybe you call it an obsession.
Naps & Ice Cream
I love my sleep, naps and my alone time in my yoga pants. Bert always knows when it’s time to leave me alone. My husband has gotten very good at letting me have my alone time. Maybe it’s the look of the Exorcist that scares them both. Alone time sometimes involves eating an entire pint of ice cream. Confession, I love ice cream 🍦. Naps, come on who doesn’t plan their weekend events around nap time! My nap time is scheduled and it is sacred. I am the nap queen 👑 . If it were a sport I would be receiving the champion trophy. Naptime always starts with “Time to go read my book”. Truly I do start reading but fall asleep quickly. Reading is one of my all-time loves. Ever since I was a little girl I loved reading. Judy Blume brings back so many fond memories. My husband hates that I still have all of the kid’s children’s book. There is something about the physical book with its torn pages and remembering the times of reading those books. But I LOVE Books! In the past year, I have become a big fan of www.audible.com
Having Options & Snack
Let’s talk about options and snacks. Options are another thing that I can’t live without. Get into my car and you can survive for months. My purse has options, lipgloss and lots of snacks! My mom can’t believe I never have a checkbook in my purse. Who has room for that when you need options and snacks! I don’t like to be hungry. Speaking of hungry I carry a jar of Jif Simple with me everywhere. A few have been taken by TSA at the airport. A few have been consumed driving home from work with a spoon where I have been known to walk in my house with my family wondering what is all over my shirt and pants – peanut butter.

Leave Me Extra Room!
Hand lotion is a key item in my possession. Hand lotion is something I can’t live without. If you sit by me at a meeting leave extra room around me for my options, snacks and my hand cream.

Sticky Notes!
Arthur Fry is a human that created my other obsession – Post It Notes. Give me all of the colors and size options. Once in my career, there was an intervention and I had to take all of my sticky notes down. It was a traumatic experience. My love for them hasn’t stopped but I do limit how many I have on my desk and computer.
Podcast Queen
This brings me to my last and most recent obsession – Podcasts. My commute to work is lengthy so they keep me informed and entertained. My morning starts with a Market or Leadership Podcast. I enjoy listening to The School of Greatness by Lewis Howes, The Life Coach School, or Happier with Gretchen Rubin. On the way home it’s all about the murder podcasts. In The Dark, Someone Knows Something or my favorite, My Favorite Murder.
So there you have it my “Can’t Live without” list. Send us your list of Things you Can’t Live Without maybe we need to add some things to our lives!